Is it Wednesday already? Lord, this week flew by.
I think the hazy fog that is known as NY Sheep and Wool has overcome my senses. I know those who could not attend are so SICK of all of the post-fiber-frenzy posts and need a slight pick-me-up.
Lets all sit back, relax, and enjoy the pure bliss that is:
Artist 007: Lori from Oceanwind Knits
Double-OH-Seven is a great number for this woman... she is smooth and sophisticated in her style, all the while knocking you out with a mix of lush colors and luxury fibers.

Oceanwind Knits Suri Silk Laceweight: Tickled
Lori has an insanely precise and natural sense for colour. She started dyeing roughly 2 years ago as "an extension of painting, and as an extension of being a knitting designer. I've been a traditional artist/painter for most of my life and dyeing developed naturally from that".
I started seeing Lori's yarns online at the Sweet Sheep... and have been *slightly* obsessed ever since. This yarn, in particular, has just made me speechless.

Superwash Merino Fingering: Vancouver Island
This is the called for yarn for this:

Oyster Bay Shawl
Original pattern by Lori Law
Original pattern by Lori Law
Lori is motivated by " a passion for yarn, colour, designing and knitting, and sharing this with others. A lot of what I do is based on things I am personally interested in which is extended to my business. I am also a creative junkie; I like making new things on a regular basis... I have a huge fear of boredom and I can't stand idle hands. This fall (very soon) I am adding new fibres to what I currently offer (think pure silks and cashmere) and I'm very excited, motivated and inspired by that"
Oceanwind Knits Sportweight Superwash Merino: Merino ii
Lori has offered 10% off to you Junkies through the end of November! Use the coupon code:

Lovely, wonderful, thoughtfully created products. Amazing... I am itching to cast-on for Oyster Bay.
Lori has offered 10% off to you Junkies through the end of November! Use the coupon code:
Notice Any Changes?
This is the third week for MOBTOWN... and a couple of things occurred to me. I thought, in my very non-attention span (but endearing) way, that you may like to focus on one artist every week instead of 3.
Since we are in "Mobtown", I will envoke the power of "mob rule" . Please , when you leave your fiber - loving and general *squee* or *drool* or *OH MY GOD* at the beep, let me know what you think.
There will still be 3 winners this week! No worries on that! Winners have a chance to choose from:
Oceanwind Knits
100g skein of sportweight merino (Merino ii) in a newer colour, Elderberry
One 50g skein of Suri Silk in Tickled.
C*EYE*BER Fiber Woolee Silk 100g skein with a pattern!
Since we are in "Mobtown", I will envoke the power of "mob rule" . Please , when you leave your fiber - loving and general *squee* or *drool* or *OH MY GOD* at the beep, let me know what you think.
There will still be 3 winners this week! No worries on that! Winners have a chance to choose from:
Oceanwind Knits
100g skein of sportweight merino (Merino ii) in a newer colour, Elderberry
One 50g skein of Suri Silk in Tickled.
C*EYE*BER Fiber Woolee Silk 100g skein with a pattern!
Buttons? Who Wants buttons?
Here are the entries for our button contest! Go vote at the sidebar! Winner gets a prize!



Alright guys! You know what to do! Winners announced on Friday!